Data Processing Agreement

Data Processing Agreement (DPA)


Parties in this agreement are stated in the Main Agreement. 

Simployer Solutions AS is the Data Processor when the system is in operational use and when modules are processing personal data. Simployer AS/AB (depending on which legal entity from Simployer's side the Customer have signed the Main Agreement with), will be Data Processor for personal data processed during establishing and staging new services.

1. Background

By entering into this Data Processing Agreement, the parties agree that the Data Processing Agreement shall enter into force. If the Data Processing Agreement has to be amended as a result of The EU General Data Protection Regulation (EU regulation no. 2016/679, hereafter “GDPR”) and/or the implementation of GDPR, the parties agree to cooperate on such an amendment by the Data Processor incorporating such necessary adjustments and immediately notifying the Data Controller.

The above-mentioned regulations contain requirements for the governing of the relationship between the Data Processor and the Data Controller, and the security and organizational measures that shall be implemented to ensure the legal and safe processing of personal data. This Data Processing Agreement is therefore entered into to ensure that personal data are processed in accordance with the regulations.

The Data Processing Agreement regulates the processing of personal data by the Processor on behalf of the Controller, as stated in this Data Processing Agreement.

The term "personal data" in this Data Processing Agreement shall have the same meaning as defined in the GDPR Article 4 (1): "any information relating to an identified or identifiable natural person (‘data subject’); an identifiable natural person is one who can be identified, directly or indirectly, in particular by reference to an identifier such as a name, an identification number, location data, an online identifier or to one or more factors specific to the physical, physiological, genetic, mental, economic, cultural or social identity of that natural person".

This Data Processing Agreement is part of the following set of agreements and assumes that the following agreements are entered into or signed for the Data Processing Agreement to be valid:

  • Agreement on the purchase of systems and/or manuals (hereinafter "Terms-of-Use Agreement", also known as the Main Agreement), including standard terms
  • Service Level Agreement

2. Purpose

The purpose of the system and the Data Processor's processing of personal data is to enable the Data Controller to carry out actions related to HR issues.

The Data Controller has the right to use the system, and the Data Processor shall facilitate the Data Controller's processing of data by way of the system.

The system has functionality, depending on the module, for storing, e.g., the following types of personal data:

Reference A1
Module-description Personnel records – Information about employees, access control, message archive, and organizational charts.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Name, contact information, address, employments and positions, bank account, user account information. 
Special categories of data None
Reference A2
Module-description Document archive – Documents relating to employees.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Text (in documents) – both personal data and special categories may occur.
Special categories of data May occur (depending on content in documents)
Reference A3
Module-description Vacation – Information about holiday for employees.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about employees’ vacation applications and periods.
Special categories of data None
Reference A4
Module-description Days off and leave – Information about days off and leave for employees.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about employees leave applications and periods of leave.
Special categories of data None
Reference A5
Module-description Sick leave – Information about sick leave for employees and statutory documentation for follow-up.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information of employees’ periods of sick leave, including mandatory documentation, like doctor declarations and information in follow up plans.
Special categories of data Health information may occur
Reference A6
Module-description Travels and expenses – Travels and expenses with documentation and attestations for employees.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about employees travel bills and expense sets, including documentation from vouchers.
Special categories of data None
Reference A7
Module-description Competence – Information regarding the employees’ competence and skills.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about employees formal and informal competences, skills, education and certifications.
Special categories of data None
Reference B1
Module-description Processes (Onboarding, Offboarding, HSE) – Information about workflow and metadata related to defined processes in the company.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Includes the same information as A1. The module may contain written summaries of conversations between superiors and employees related to onboarding or offboarding of employees.
Special categories of data None
Reference B2
Module-description Employment agreements – Information related to employment agreements in the company.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information in employee labor contracts including personal data, information about position and terms.
Special categories of data None
Reference C1
Module-description Digital handbooks – user-register with access control to the customers handbooks.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Contains name, email and roles for handbook users.
Special categories of data None
Reference C2
Module-description Chatbot – Digital assistant which answers user questions related to Simployer Handbooks.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Processes text entered by user, normally related to search in the handbooks.
Special categories of data Normally none (if not entered into text by user)
Reference D1
Module-description Deviation – Information about deviations from approved routines in the company. This may involve personal data about employees.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information in registered deviations in the organization. Contains text fields normally used to describe and document the deviation.
Special categories of data May occur (if the user enters special category data into text fields)
Reference E1
Module-description Hour registration – Information related to hours worked for employees.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about logged hours from employees.
Special categories of data None
Reference E2
Module-description Resource planning – roster for individuals.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about employees’ time planning and accumulation across organization.
Special categories of data None
Reference F1
Module-description Learning – Management of education, including enrolment and course history, as well as management of knowledge tests, e-learning programs.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about employee’s registration and attendance in courses and trainings, including results from tests. The module allows for text fields which may include special categories.
Special categories of data Normally none (if not entered into text by user)
Reference F2
Module-description Dialogue – Functionality for planning and conducting development dialogues or other structured dialogues.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Identical information as in A1. The module may contain written summaries of conversations between superiors and employees related to development, onboarding or offboarding of employees.
Special categories of data None
Reference F3
Module-description Competence management – Support for managing competence, individual competence mapping and profiling of individuals against required competence roles.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about employees formal and informal competences, skills, education and certifications.
Special categories of data None
Reference F4
Module-description Objectives – Managing goals and work objectives, with follow-up at individual level.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about employees personal and professional development goals.
Special categories of data None
Reference F5
Module-description Succession – Functionality to evaluate and plan work on successors, e.g., through the planning of replacements and rating of performance and risk.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Identical information as in A1. The module may contain written summaries of conversations between superiors and employees related to offboarding of employees.
Special categories of data None
Reference G1
Module-description Engagement –  Functionality and system to measure engagement of the employees.
Please see attachment B to the Data Processing Agreement for specific terms for this module. 
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information regarding the customers, including contact information, name, profile and information of the device. The answers from the employees are stored anonymously and cannot be related to the employee providing the answers.
Special categories of data Under normal circumstances, no special categories are processed or stored (unless the user inputs this in the text-fields). Will in any case not be related to the user, since answers are anonymized.
Reference G2
Module-description Whisteblower – Functionality and system for whistleblowing Funksjonalitet og system for å varsle («whisteblowing») PS: See annex C of the DPA for separate conditions for this module.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Depending on input from the whistleblower, the content is stored in text fields, and may contain personal data about the whistleblower and other affected parties.
Special categories of data Normally none (if not entered into text by user)
Reference H1
Module-description Insights / integration endpoint (API) the allows select users access to, and options for transferring information from the customers data storage inte external data stores for further processing and analyses.
PS: See annex A of the DPA for separate conditions for this module.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data The endpoints will potentially give access to all personal data stored in Simployer for the specific customer.
See annex A of the DPA for detailed description and separate conditions for Insights.
Special categories of data No separate, except statutory and registered health information (see A5)
Reference J1
Module-description Compensation – Module for registering and maintaing salaries and benefits for employees. The module also has simulation capabilities for salary adjustments within the organization. 
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about salaries and benefits for employees.
Special categories of data None (but contains personal information about compensation/salary)
Reference J2
Module-description Equal Pay – Module for payroll audits and analyses of salaries to be able to map differences in salaries.
Description of the data processing, categories of personal data Information about salaries and benefits for employees.
Special categories of data None (but contains personal information about compensation/salary)

The types of personal data processed under this Data Processing Agreement depend on which modules the Data Controller has ordered. The specific modules ordered are stated in the Terms-of-Use Agreement.

In connection with the establishment and use of the system, personal data may be registered in the system.

The Data Controller is responsible for the registration of personal data in the system after delivery, and any withdrawal and use of stored information.

The Data Processor is responsible for ensuring that the data is stored in a proper manner and later deleted or anonymized in accordance with this Data Processing Agreement.

The Data Processor is entitled to collect, extract, compile, analyze and otherwise process any information not defined as "Personal Data" under GDPR Art. 4 (1), and which is not otherwise protected by law or agreement between the parties. Such information that is not defined as "Personal Data" includes, but is not limited to anonymized data, volume data, frequency measurements, and other information that the Data Controller and its users and recipients generate in connection with the use of the system and the Data Processor's services, hereinafter referred to collectively as "Service Data". The Data Processor has the ownership of such Service Data and may be used by the Data Processors for legitimate business purposes without any obligations to the Data Controller or its users or recipients. The parties' duties and rights relating to the processing of personal data under this Data Processing Agreement and affiliated agreements do not apply to the processing of Service Data as described in this section.

For the record, “Service Data” does not include data that is the property of the Controller, i.e. data that is registered into the system by the users of the Controller, or data registered into the system by way of integrations with the Controller’s third party systems, referenced as “Customer data”.

3. Obligations of the Parties


3.1 Obligations of the Data Processor

The Data Processor is obliged to comply with requirements for Data Processors as provided by the Norwegian Personal Data Act, with regulations, including GDPR.

The Data Processor shall process personal data according to the agreed specified purposes pursuant to this Data Processing Agreement. The Data Processor shall not process personal data beyond the requirements for the purposes specified in this Data Processing Agreement without prior written agreement with the Data Controller or written instructions from the Data Controller.

The Data Processor shall, as far as is required under GDPR, assist the Data Controller in:

  • Providing information to the Data Controller required in order to demonstrate that the obligations set out in GDPR art. 28 (3) are fulfilled.
  • To a reasonable extent, helping the Data Controller to fulfil the Data Controller's obligation to respond to requests submitted by the Data Subject for the purpose of exercising his/her rights set out in Chapter III.
  • To a reasonable extent, helping the Data Controller to fulfil the Data Controller's obligations according to GDPR art. 32-36, including non-conformance management.

The Data Processor shall notify the Data Controller if the Data Processor believes that an instruction from the Data Controller is in violation of the applicable privacy regulations.

All assistance should be carried out to the extent required by the Data Controller's need, the nature of the Processing and the information available to the Data Processor. All assistance and work in accordance with new and agreed instructions from the Data Controller may be invoiced to the Data Controller according to the rates stated in the Terms-of-Use Agreement and/or Service Level Agreement, unless otherwise expressly stated in this Data Processing Agreement or is limited by law.

The Data Processor is subject to confidentiality regarding documentation and personal data that he/she has access to in accordance with this Data Processing Agreement. This provision also applies after the termination of the Data Processing Agreement.

The Data Processors shall not disclose personal data to external parties unless otherwise follows from this Data Processing Agreement, have been agreed in writing, or such disclosure is required by law. Personal data processed by the Data Processor on behalf of the Data Controller may be transferred to countries in which the Data Processor, its sub-data processor or the sub-data processor's sub-data processor, conducts its activities in accordance with the provisions on use of subcontractors in section 4.

3.2 Obligations of the Data Controller

The Data Controller is obliged to comply with the requirements for Data Controllers as provided by the Norwegian Personal data Act, with regulations, including the GDPR.

The Data Controller confirms that:

  1. There is sufficient legal basis for processing personal data;
  2. The Data Controller is entitled to and responsible for the legality of the transfer of personal data to the Data Processor;
  • The Data Controller is responsible for the accuracy, integrity, content, reliability and legality of the personal data being processed;
  1. The Data Controller has informed the Data Subjects in accordance with the current legal requirements;
  2. This Data Processing Agreement contains all instructions from the Data Controller at the time of signing the agreement.

The Data Controller shall ensure that personal data is processed in accordance with the GDPR, respond to inquiries from the Data Subjects and ensure that adequate technical and organizational measures are implemented to secure the Personal Data being processed, cf. GDPR Article 32.

The Data Controller is obliged to report data breach to the relevant supervisory authorities and, if applicable, to the Data Subject without undue delay in accordance with applicable legislation.

The Data Controller is responsible for ensuring that custom data fields in their own right, or by their content do not violate any applicable laws and regulations, including regarding personal data. The same applies to the use of combinations of data fields in, for example, reports, etc.

Where the system contains texts, data or other information, etc., which is owned/disposed by the Data Controller, the Data Controller warrants having full ownership or disposal rights for such texts, data, information, etc. and that neither storage nor the actual use of this material implies an infringement of third-party rights or violates any law, regulation or other legal rules.

The Data Controller is subject to confidentiality regarding the documentation and personal data that he/she has access to in accordance with this Data Processing Agreement. This provision also applies after the termination of the Data Processing Agreement.

User ID and passwords for access to the system are created and administered by the administrator at the Data Controller. The Data Controller is obliged to ensure that passwords are stored and handled in such a way that only persons entitled to use under the Terms-of-Use Agreement, and that are authorized by the Data Controller, has access to the system. The Data Controller is responsible for the fact that his/her own employees only use the personal data in the system to perform assigned/permitted tasks.

The Data Controller handles and processes inquiries from the Data Subjects regarding access, rectification and deletion, etc.

4. Use of subcontractors

The Data Processor uses subcontractors to fulfil parts of its various obligations, including physical operation of the system. The Data Processor is responsible for the performance of the subcontractor's tasks in the same way as if the Data Processor himself was responsible for the execution.

The Data Processor is obliged to have separate data processing agreements with all its subcontractors to ensure fulfilment of the terms of this Data Processing Agreement and GDPR Art. 28.

Upon entering into this Data Processing Agreement, the Data Controller accepts the use of the following subcontractors:

Name of subcontractor Simployer AS (A company in the Simployer Group)
Description of processing Development and operation of modules
Location (storage and access) Norway
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) A, B, C, D, G, H, J
Name of subcontractor Simployer Solutions AS (A company in the Simployer Group)
Description of processing Development and operation of modules
Location (storage and access) Norway
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) A, B, C, D, G, H, J
Name of subcontractor Simployer AB (A company in the Simployer Group)
Description of processing Development and operation of modules
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) A, B, C, F, G, H, J
Name of subcontractor Simployer ApS (A company in the Simployer Group)
Description of processing Development and operation of modules
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) A, B, C, F, G, H, J
Name of subcontractor Simployer Tech Sp.z.o.o. (A company in the Simployer Group)
Description of processing Development and operation of modules
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) A, B, C, D, F, G, H, J
Name of subcontractor Simployer Consulting Sp. z.o.o. (A company in the Simployer Group)
Description of processing Development and operation of modules
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) A, B, C, D, F, G, H, J
Name of subcontractor Microsoft Azure
Description of processing Operation of servers, firewall, antivirus and backup
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) A, B, C, D, E, F, H, J
Name of subcontractor Elasticsearch Inc
Description of processing Operation of Elastic search engine
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) C1
Name of subcontractor Twilio Sendgrid Inc.
Description of processing Emailing
Location (storage and access) USA - Transfer based on «Binding Corporate Rules» (BCR) and «Standard Contractual Clauses» (SCC)
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) A, B, C, D, G, J
Name of subcontractor Mailjet Inc.
Description of processing Emailing
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) F, G
Name of subcontractor Signicat AS
Description of processing Digital signature
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) B
Name of subcontractor Auth0
Description of processing Authentication
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) A, B, C, D, E, F, G, H, J
Name of subcontractor Quatrix
Description of processing Cloud based service for secure exchange of temporary files and data between the parties.
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) Not connected to any particular module (used for secure transfer of data that cannot be sent through the Simployer system)
Name of subcontractor Amazon Web Services Europe
Description of processing Operation of servers and infrastructure (PaaS)
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) G
Name of subcontractor OneSignal
Description of processing System for push-messages
Location (storage and access) USA - transfers based on Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC)
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above) G
Name of subcontractor Planhat
Description of processing Customer Success Management system
Location (storage and access) EU
Relevant for modules (see section 2. above)


From 2025-02-10 the following modules will be relevant: A, B, C, D, F, G, H, J

If the Data Processor changes or includes new subcontractors, the Data Controller shall be notified of these 90 calendar days before the new subcontractor starts processing personal data and the Data Controller may within 30 calendar days oppose the change. If the Data Controller opposes the change, the Data Controller may terminate the Terms-of-Use Agreement with 60 calendar days' notice. Notification of termination must be given at the same date as the Data Controller opposes the change. If the Data Controller does not terminate the Terms-of-Use Agreement, the new subcontractor is deemed to be accepted.

In case of change of a subcontractor, the former subcontractor must confirm in writing to the Data Processor that all personal data has been permanently deleted from its systems.

If the Data Processor is to enter into an agreement with Subcontractors in countries outside the EU/EEA, this should only be done according to valid mechanisms for such transfers such as EUs model clauses for the transfer of personal data to third countries or other applicable basis for transfer to third countries in accordance with GDPR Chapter 5. The same applies even if Personal Data is retained or stored in the EU/EEA when personnel with access to the data are located outside the EU/EEA.

5. Personal data security

The Data Processor shall ensure, through appropriate planned, systematic, organizational and technical measures, adequate information security in terms of confidentiality, integrity and availability in connection with the processing of personal data in accordance with GDPR Article 32.

The Data Processor should be able to document security measures. The documentation must be made available at the Data Controller's request.

The Data Processor shall ensure satisfactory personal data security regarding:

  • confidentiality, i.e., the data is not available to persons who do not have legal access to the data,
  • integrity, i.e. the data is not changed in an unauthorized or unintended manner and
  • availability, i.e. the data is available and operative for legitimate and authorized use.

The Data Processor shall have routines and systematic processes to follow up on violations of personal data security ("Deviation"). If the Deviation is caused by the Data Controller, or circumstances within the control of the Data Controller, the Data Processor may invoice the Data Controller for work related to follow-up of the Deviation in accordance with the rates stated in the Terms-of-Use Agreement and/or the Service Level Agreement.

The Data Processor shall, without undue delay, notify the Data Controller of the Deviation.

The Data Processor shall provide the Data Controller with the necessary information to enable the Data Controller to comply with applicable laws regarding the processing of Personal Data and to enable the Data Controller to respond to requests from data supervisory authorities in the event of Deviations. It is the responsibility of the Data Controller to report nonconformities to the Norwegian Data Protection Authority in accordance with applicable legislation.

The Data Processor will not disclose passwords to the Data Controller's users without the Data Controller requesting this in writing. All passwords to Data Controller's users are stored with irreversible encryption, and it is physically impossible for the Data Processor to disclose passwords in plain text.

The Data Processor provides system backups and data according to current Service Level Agreement (SLA).

If personal data is to be transmitted electronically internally at the Data Controller or from the Data Controller to the Data Processor, the Data Processor recommends that transmission is done in encrypted form or otherwise secured by further agreement with the Data Processor.

6. Security audits

The Data Controller acknowledges that the Data Controller's right to conduct audits under GDPR is fulfilled through the fact that the Data Processor ensures that an independent third party, appointed by the Data Processor, performs a systemic audit of the system on a regular basis. The main results of the audit are made available to the Data Controller on request.

7. Liability and limitation of liability

Claims from a party as a result of the other party's failure to comply with the Data Processing Agreement shall be subject to the same liability regulations and limitations of liability as provided by the Terms-of-Use Agreement.

8. Duration of the Data Processing Agreement

This Data Processing Agreement shall apply from the date it has been signed by both parties until the Terms-of-Use Agreement expires or until the Data Processor's obligation to perform services under the Terms-of-Use Agreement terminates for any reason, except for the provisions of the Terms-of-Use Agreement and the Data Processing Agreement that continue to run after termination.

In the event of a material breach of the Data Processing Agreement, the Data Controller may impose on the Data Processor to stop further processing of personal data with immediate effect. The Data processor can, for the same reasons, stop all processing on behalf of the Data Controller with immediate effect. Deletion of data covered by this Data Processing Agreement will however not be implemented until the Terms-of-Use Agreement expires in accordance with paragraph 9 below.

9. Upon termination

After the expiry of the Terms-of-Use Agreement, the Data Processor is obligated to anonymize all personal data covered by this Data Processing Agreement, and subsequently delete all the customers data. Anonymization means that the data is no longer personal data and therefore not covered by the privacy policy. The Data Processor shall provide the Data Controller with a written statement, after which the Data Processor guarantees that all personal data or data mentioned above has been anonymized and that the Data Processor has not retained any copy, print or retained personal data in any other medium.

The Controller is upon termination of the Terms-of-Use Agreement entitled to receive Customer data in return. The way return of Customer data should be handled is governed by the Service Level Agreement (SLA).

10. Notices

Notices pursuant to this Data Processing Agreement shall be sent in writing to the Data Controller's contact person as specified in the Terms-of-Use Agreement.

11. Amendment of the Data Processing Agreement

The Data Processor may amend the content of the Data Processing Agreement if the Data Controller is notified about these 90 calendar days before the amendment enters into force. The Data Controller can oppose the amendment within 30 calendar days. If the Data Controller opposes the amendment, the Data Controller may terminate the Terms-of-Use Agreement with 60 calendar days' notice. Notice of termination must be given at the same date as the Data Controller opposes the amendment. If the Data Controller does not notify termination of the Terms-of-Use Agreement, the amendment is deemed to be accepted.


Appendix A to Data Processing Agreement – Insights / Integration Interface ("API")

Appendix A only applies if the Customer has purchased access to Insights (an integration Interface), hereinafter referred to as the "API". Simployer APIs expose integration interfaces that selected users at the customer’s side can access, which enables the customer to transfer information, including personal data, from the customer's data generated in Simployer, for further processing and analysis in third-party software.

The API is protected by an API key that is used to authenticate the individual service(s) that will interact with the interface. The customer is provided with this key and is solely responsible for using it and to only authenticate the systems, and those users, who shall have access to the service.

The interface allows for access to the customer's data, including personal data registered or generated in the system and the Customer's database, and does not have the same access control and mechanisms to ensure privacy that is built into Simployer by default. It is therefore very important that the Customer only uses the service for purposes, and only authenticates systems and users against the interface, which the Customer has made necessary assessments of (legal and technical assessments).

Simployer is responsible for the availability and confidentiality of data up and until the endpoints. After data has left the endpoint, it is the Customer who is responsible for all use of the service and all use of data made available via the endpoint. Simployer, including subcontractors, do not have any responsibility for customer's use of the endpoints or Customer's processing of data obtained from the endpoints, or the integrity of data submitted to the endpoints (from the Customer's systems or other third parties the Customer is responsible for).

Where integrations do not use endpoints for transferring data but instead use file-based transfer of data, the same principles apply as mentioned above.

Appendix B to Data Processing Agreement – Engagement

Appendix B only applies if the Customer has purchased the Engagement module. Regarding the disclosure of data from this module, the Data Processor cannot provide the Controller (the Customer) with response information in any other way than in anonymized and de-identified form.  Response information means the answers employees have given to employee surveys collected using the Engagement module.

If the Controller intends to use the service also for employees of companies other than their own, they shall on their own obtain the companies' permission to process personal data about the affected employees. In the case of companies and employees residing outside the EU/EEA, the Controller shall independently supervise and be responsible for compliance with legal requirements in accordance with applicable foreign law.

The data controller is also responsible for ensuring that their use of-, and the content of the questions and answers stored in the Engagement module. The data controller should avoid and or exercise caution in asking questions that involves, or results in, response information that contains personal data and that they do not need, or have legal grounds to process. This may i.e. be categories of sensitive information such as health information, or information that is regulated distinctly, such as trade secrets, etc.

When using the Engagement module, the Controller accepts the sub-processors as described here: List of additional subprocessors when using Engagement. This list is kept up to date on the website mentioned above and any changes will be communicated as described in section 4 of this DPA. Please note the possibility of “Reduced Processing Mode” which ensures data-processing only within the EU/EEA.

Appendix C to Data Processing Agreement – Whistleblowing

Appendix C only applies if the Customer has purchased the Whistleblowing-module and activated it for use.

In support of the EU Directive 2019/1937 on Whistleblowing, Simployer offers a digital service to facilitate and support the process of whisteblowing.

The service enables all individuals who know the address of the whistleblowing functionality at the customer, to submit whisteblowing. The whistleblower can choose to submit the message with their name and contact details, or to remain anonymous. The message may therefore contain personal data about the whistleblower. The message itself is a text field, and this may include registration, and storage of, personal data, also about other than the whistleblower, i.e. an affected third party to the matter.

The customer is responsible for ensuring that the messages are processed and stored in accordance with applicable regulations, i.e. both the national whistleblower-regulation and the rules of the General Data Protection Regulation ("GDPR"). This involves, among other things, the responsibility for deleting personal data that is not relevant to the messages/whistleblowing-cases. The system automatically deletes data in messages two years after it was created, but deletion should otherwise be done by the administrator of the module,and should be done continuously and without undue delay. The storage of messages and reports containing personal data shall not be done longer than what is necessary and proportionate to the provisions of Article 17 of the EU Directive 2019/1937 and the relevant national implementation of these regulations. 

The service does not change the list of relevant subcontractors, see section 4 above.


V.2.1.8 - updated 2024-11-25

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