Simployer Trust Center
Here you will find documentation related to privacy & security, how we work with compliance and other useful content.
GDPR and data privacy
In Simployer we continuously work to protect the privacy of our customers. Simployer has GDPR as our number one guideline.
Privacy policy
GDPR and Privacy in Simployer
Sub processors used by Simployer
Audits according to GDPR
Information security
Security is essential to protect customer data and our systems. We work continuously to ensure a high level of security in our services.
Information security policy
Information security measures
Hosting partners
NIS2 and Simployer
DORA and Simployer
Other useful content
Here you will find information regarding procurement, billing, compliance and other relevant documents.
Code of Conduct
System status
System requirements
Norwegian Transparency Act
Compliance FAQ