Security and IT
Information security measures
Working with information security involves various forms of organizational, technical and physical security of data, systems and infrastructure.
Information security
Working with information security involves working with established methods of confidentiality, data integrity and access control.
We work continuously with privacy, ensuring that our solutions do not violate national legislation and GDPR. We follow the principals set out by the Data Inspectorate, so that data will never be available to anyone but the rightful owners and users. We enable our customers to fulfill their GDPR requirements.
NIS2 and Simployer
The NIS2 Directive aims to to achieve a high common level of cybersecurity across the European Union. NIS2 extends and deepens the obligations of a wide range of entities to adopt risk management practices and report major cybersecurity incidents.
DORA and Simployer
The Digital Operational Resilience Act (DORA) aims to enhance the operational resilience of the financial sector within the European Union. DORA sets specific obligations on financial actors to manage and report on their ICT risks.