Simployer CS gruppebilde-01513

We believe HR should be simple, efficient and scalable

Simployer delivers an HRM system, built by experts and designed to support every part of your people operations keeping the employee experience at the heart of it all.


Our vision is to unleash the
full potential in people

We believe in simplifying the daily decisions for HR, managers and employees. Expertise combined with a thorough understanding of technology create a cohesive customer experience.

40 years of experience

Founded in 1985 in Norway

1.2 million system users

Distributed among 12 000 customers.

350 employees

7 offices in 4 countries

Simployer - Møterom-09132

Market leader in Scandinavia

Simployer’s position is built up over decades. In the beginning we sent updates on employment law to customers by post. This service has evolved into modern, digital HR tools.

Ferd, a family-owned Norwegian investment company, is our majority owner. We have the stability and freedom to innovate and invest in sustainable growth.

"In my work I help our customers to find the best way to use our products and how to simplify their processes."

Maria Dahlqvist, Senior Customer Consultant HCM in Simployer


Are you looking for our products?

This page is all about the company and the people behind, but we are also eager to show off the work we have done for decades.

  • HRM – your hub of people analytics
  • Expert – support on laws and regulations
  • Employee Surveys – engagement insights
  • Equal Pay – streamlined diversity reporting
  • Learn – empower with knowledge
  • Handbooks – offload HR, gather all FAQs

We are Simployer

Do you want to work in a company that puts people first?

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Frame 1484 (Locked Aspect Ratio)
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How can we help?

We’re here for every step of your employee journey. From intuitive software for people management to hands-on learning programs and expert support from our legal team — we've got you covered.

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